Smart Hearing Aids: The Intersection of Audiology and AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are now shaping the future of hearing aids.

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For years, hearing aids have been the device of choice for millions of individuals across the world with hearing loss. While they have no doubt improved the lives of many, recent technological advancements have sparked a revolution in the audiology landscape. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are now shaping the future of hearing aids, transforming these devices from further into personalized, adaptive, and fully integrated tools for improved communication and quality of life. 

In this blog post, we’re going to explore how smart hearing aids are bridging the gap between audiology and AI, and what it means for those with hearing loss.

The Evolution of Hearing Aids: From Pre-set Programs to AI-powered Solutions

Traditional digital hearing aids have always relied on pre-set programs and modes to offer different listening experiences in the environments you encounter the most, such as restaurants, TV watching, or quiet conversations at home. While these programs served their purpose, they sometimes fell short in accurately matching unique listening environments and personal preferences.

Enter AI and machine learning. These advanced technologies have made it possible for smart hearing aids to listen, learn, and adapt to your auditory environment in real-time. No longer reliant on fixed settings, AI-powered hearing aids can analyze millions of sounds and make micro-adjustments to deliver an listening experience personalized to you. This revolutionary shift improves speech clarity, even in noisy or challenging environments. Some models currently on the market even provide additional health tracking features, such as fall detection, fitness tracking, and early dementia detection.

The Most Exciting AI-powered Hearing Aids on the Market

1. Oticon More

Oticon More is an AI-driven hearing aid that leverages deep neural networks to analyze and process sound more naturally. In its research into developing the More, Oticon trained its hearing aid algorithms using a database of 12 million sounds. The result? An open and enhanced soundscape, improving speech clarity without sacrificing the richness of the sounds around you. 

2. Starkey Livio AI

As a pioneer in incorporating AI and health tracking features into hearing aids, Starkey's Livio AI offers not only advanced sound processing but also fitness tracking, fall detection, and early dementia risk tracking. Starkey's mask mode feature, launched during the pandemic, improves sound quality when the speaker is wearing a mask, which is a great showcase of the power of AI technology in everyday situations. 

3. Widex Moment Sheer

Widex Moment Sheer combines AI and user data through its SoundSense Learn feature, allowing the hearing aid to make adjustments based on consistent real-time user feedback from users across the globe. It never stops learning to improve sound quality and offer a personalized listening experience.

The Benefits of AI-powered Hearing Aids

Improved Speech Clarity: AI-enabled hearing aids can discern individual voices and prioritize speech in noisy environments, resulting in enhanced speech clarity and fewer frustrations for users.

Adaptability: Unlike traditional hearing aids with fixed programs, AI-powered devices can learn, adapt, and make real-time adjustments based on the user's environment and preferences.

Health Tracking: Some smart hearing aids offer additional health tracking features, such as fitness tracking, fall detection, and early warning signs for dementia – acting as an all-in-one wellness device.

Less Cognitive Load: AI-powered hearing aids can ease the cognitive burden on the brain by clarifying and interpreting sounds before they reach the auditory cortex, reducing the effort required to process auditory signals.

The Future of AI in Audiology

As AI technology continues to make inroads into the hearing aid industry, the future possibilities for smart hearing aids are endless. In the years to come, we can see AI being used for biometric monitoring, emotional analysis, predictive health alerts, and even further integration with other smart devices. This really is only the beginning. 

A Smart Future, Today

AI-driven smart hearing aids have taken audiology to a new frontier, merging advanced technology with improved audio solutions. The result is a revolutionized listening experience that adapts and evolves with the user's needs, enhances speech clarity, and offers additional health tracking benefits. As AI technology continues to develop, the future looks bright for AI in audiology, as well as those with hearing loss who depend on these vital devices.

Written by
Reviewed by
Dr. Cliff Olson
Founder & Audiologist
Read full bio

Dr. Cliff Olson is an Audiologist and founder of Applied Hearing Solutions in Phoenix, Arizona. A former Marine Corps Scout Sniper, he left the military to earn his Audiology doctoral degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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