The More is the follow-up to the Oticon Opn S series, one of the most popular hearing aid platforms of the past several years. Utilizing their BrainHearing technology, Oticon hearing aids give your brain access to the full sound scene—to support your brain in working more effectively. UPDATE: In February 2023, the Oticon More was replaced by the Oticon Real.
Hearing loss can interfere in many ways with your social life, and attempting to understand conversations in noisy, crowded environments provides many with a daunting challenge.
Most hearing aids on the market solve this issue by using narrow directionality to shut down background noises and concentrate on the most critical speech source in front of the hearing aid user. This technique offers clarification, but it also deprives the brain of essential sound stimuli and meaning. Consequently, the more open and natural sounds that the brain is used to processing are not being taken advantage of.
Oticon takes a different approach to other hearing aid companies, and this is encapsulated in the new Oticon More. The More is the follow-up to the Oticon Opn S series, one of the most popular hearing aid platforms of the past several years. Utilizing their BrainHearing technology, Oticon hearing aids give your brain access to the full sound scene—to support your brain in working more effectively.
According to Oticon's research, More hearing aids deliver 30% more sound to the brain, giving the brain more of what it needs to make better sense of the sounds - allowing you to get more out of your hearing and your life.
With the More, by bringing the open sound experience and the specific benefits of BrainHearing to the next level, Oticon manages even more improvements in speech comprehension and listening effort.
The More represents a significant improvement on OPN and OPN S hearing aids. Compared to the Opn S, the More delivers:
The new Polaris platform is the most intelligent platform ever developed by Oticon and unleashes the full potential of the open sound spectrum that Oticon is known for. This new platform allows More to run a trained Deep Neural Network while powering all the hearing aid technology in Oticon More with more speed, precision, and capacity than was ever possible before.
For many in the hearing industry, this is the technology that defines Oticon. BrainHearing helps transmit the most reliable, purest signal possible to the brain. It retains vital speech information, so the brain makes less effort to discern the sounds it is picking up. To increase speech comprehension in noisy settings, BrainHearing Technology distinguishes noise from speech for the best in hearing comprehension.
Oticon More with BrainHearing technology takes hearing healthcare to a new level. It’s the world’s first hearing aid with a Deep Neural Network (DNN) embedded on the chip. The DNN is trained on 12 million real life sounds to give your brain more of the information it needs to decipher the intricate details of relevant sounds.
The Oticon More does things differently from conventional hearing aids in how it copes with noisy conditions. Hearing devices typically focus on one speaker at a time, while the Oticon More provides you with access to all the sounds around you and allows you more power over what you want to concentrate on.
The benefits of this? Even compared to Oticon Opn S hearing aids, less cognitive effort is needed to understand speech. Even in harsh listening conditions, such as a noisy restaurant or dinner party, this helps you enter and keep up with the conversations around you.
The miniRITE R (Receiver-in-the-ear) version of the More combines the above technologies into a state-of-the-art rechargeable lithium-ion solution.
The Oticon More integrates with your Apple and Android devices so closely, it will feel like your hearing aids are an extension of your smartphone. After connecting your hearing aids with your iPhone, iPad, or Android device, you can automatically stream any audio to your hearing aids. If you answer a call, by default, it goes straight to your aids. With fantastic sound quality for both music and phone calls, you'll wonder how you lived without it!
More than any other hearing aid company, Oticon understands that the brain is just as important as the ears when it comes to successful hearing. This focus, their slogan of 'People First', and years of in-house hearing research have meant that their devices don't fail to help in the situations that matter most. One thing to remember - no matter how great these (or any other) hearing aids are, you won't the most out of them unless you work with a hearing provider that follows Best Practices, including Real Ear Measurement. The Audiologists at Applied Hearing Solutions are committed to providing the highest quality hearing care. If you are looking for Oticon More in the Phoenix Metro area, contact us today for an appointment.
UPDATE: This technology is now available in custom, in-the-ear hearing aids with the Oticon Own.
Applied Hearing Solutions
4045 E Union Hills Dr. Suite #D128
Phoenix, AZ 85050