Ask Dr. Cliff: What should I do if my hearing aids get wet?

Despite being designed to resist moisture to some extent, hearing aids are not immune to the damaging effects of water.

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Picture this: You're washing your face and accidentally drop your hearing aids into the sink. They get dunked for a second, and you panic. But don't worry yet – it's not the end of the world.

Despite being designed to resist moisture to some extent, hearing aids are not immune to the damaging effects of water. However, if your hearing aids do get wet, don't panic. There are steps you can take to rescue your valuable device. Let's talk about what to do next when your hearing aids take an unplanned dip.

1. Get Them Out

The very first thing you should do is to remove the hearing aids from the water as quickly as possible. The less time they spend submerged, the better the chances of their survival. Remember to handle your hearing aids gently to avoid causing any additional damage.

2. Turn Them Off

Once you've retrieved your hearing aids, power them off immediately. This can help prevent short-circuits that might occur due to water ingress. Next, remove the batteries. Wet batteries can corrode, leading to rusting inside the hearing aid. Dispose of the wet batteries appropriately as they won't work properly after getting wet.

3. Dry Them On the Outside

After removing the batteries, gently dry your hearing aids using a soft, lint-free cloth. Be careful not to apply too much pressure, which could inadvertently push water deeper into the device. Shake the hearing aids gently to remove any excess water.

4. Leave Them To Dry Further

Next, leave the hearing aids out to dry with the battery compartment open. Placing them in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources, can help speed up the drying process. This step might take anywhere from 24 to 48 hours, so patience is key.

5. The Role of Hearing Aid Dryers and Desiccants

If you have a hearing aid dryer or dehumidifier, now is the time to use it. These devices are designed to safely and effectively remove moisture from hearing aids. If you don’t have a hearing aid dryer, a hearing aid desiccant can be a good alternative. These are substances that absorb moisture, and they can be very effective in drying out your hearing aids.

6. The Rice Method

In the absence of a dryer or desiccant, you can resort to the old-fashioned rice method. All you need to do is place your hearing aids in a container filled with uncooked rice. The rice will gradually absorb the moisture from the hearing aids. Leave them in the rice for 24 hours to ensure all moisture is absorbed.

7. Seek Professional Help

If, after all these steps, your hearing aids are still not working properly, it's time to seek professional help. At Applied Hearing Solutions in Phoenix, AZ, we have a team of skilled audiologists ready to assist you. We can provide a thorough drying and cleaning service and carry out any necessary repairs. We also have a device called Redux, which uses advanced drying and cleaning technology to remove moisture and debris. In an internal study, Redux reported that in 50% of cases where a hearing aid was non-functional, the Redux process alone brought it back to life.

What Not to Do

Avoid using any form of heat or microwave to dry your hearing aids. This will likely cause more harm than good as it can melt the components of the hearing aid. Also, resist the urge to check if the hearing aids are working before they are completely dry. Turning on a wet hearing aid can cause further damage.

The Importance of Prevention

While it's good to know what to do when your hearing aids get wet, it’s always good to know what to do to prevent yourself getting into this kind of situation. Always remember to remove your hearing aids before showering, swimming, or getting into situations where they might get wet.

Hearing Aid Care Routine

Incorporate the use of a hearing aid dryer or dehumidifier into your regular hearing aid care routine. This is especially crucial if you live in a humid climate or lead an active lifestyle where sweat can be a problem. Regularly drying out your hearing aids can prolong their life, improve function, and reduce the need for repairs.

Remember, getting your hearing aids wet is not the end of the world. With quick action and the right steps, you can often restore them to working order. However, should your hearing aids be beyond repair, Applied Hearing Solutions offers a wide range of hearing aid models to suit your needs. We're here to provide the support and solutions you need when it comes to your hearing health.

Written by
Reviewed by
Dr. Cliff Olson
Founder & Audiologist
Read full bio

Dr. Cliff Olson is an Audiologist and founder of Applied Hearing Solutions in Phoenix, Arizona. A former Marine Corps Scout Sniper, he left the military to earn his Audiology doctoral degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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