Ask Dr. Cliff - Will Hearing Aids Help Dementia?

Studies are showing that hearing loss isn't just annoying; it could actually make you more likely to get dementia. 

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Hey folks, Dr. Cliff here, and welcome to the first episode of "Ask Dr. Cliff!" Today, we're diving into a hot topic—can hearing aids actually help with dementia? Let's get into it!

What's the Deal with Hearing Loss and Dementia?

So, you've probably heard that as we get older, our hearing isn't what it used to be, right? Well, it turns out, there's more to it. Studies are showing that hearing loss isn't just annoying; it could actually make you more likely to get dementia. 

Here's the science bit: when your ears aren't picking up sounds like they should, your brain has to work overtime. That means less brainpower for other stuff, like memory. Plus, if you can't hear well, you're less likely to hang out with people, and loneliness is another big dementia risk. So, if you're missing out on conversations, it's time to do something about it.

Now, the million-dollar question: can hearing aids help? Good news, folks! Research is showing that wearing hearing aids could actually slow down that cognitive decline. One study even said that people who wore hearing aids had a 42% lower risk of dementia. That's huge!

The ACHIEVE Study: The Deep Dive

One study that's making waves is the ACHIEVE study. They looked at older adults with hearing loss but no major cognitive issues. They wanted to see if hearing aids could slow down cognitive decline in older adults. They took a group of individuals aged 70-84, gave half of them hearing aids, and the other half got some health education.

Now, here's the kicker: overall, the study didn't find a huge difference in cognitive decline between the two groups. But hold on! When they dug deeper, they found that the folks who were already at a higher risk for cognitive issues did see some benefits from the hearing aids.

So, what's the takeaway? Hearing aids might not be a magic bullet for everyone, but if you're already at risk for cognitive decline, they could be a game-changer. 

How Hearing Aids Could Help Prevent Dementia

Alright, let's dive a bit deeper into how hearing aids could be a real game-changer when it comes to preventing dementia. We've talked about the cognitive strain, but there are a couple more pieces to this puzzle: social isolation and brain atrophy.

One of the less obvious but equally damaging effects of hearing loss is social isolation. When you can't hear well, social interactions become frustrating, and it's easy to start avoiding them altogether. Here's the kicker: social isolation is a known risk factor for dementia. By improving your hearing, hearing aids can help you stay socially active and mentally engaged, which is good news for your brain.

Now, let's talk about brain atrophy. That's a term that sounds scary, but it basically means that if you don't use certain parts of your brain, they can actually shrink over time. When you have hearing loss, the auditory regions of your brain may get less stimulation, leading to atrophy. This can contribute to cognitive decline and increase your risk of dementia. Hearing aids can provide the necessary auditory stimulation to keep those brain regions active and healthy.

The Research Backs It Up

Studies like the ACHIEVE trial have shown that people at higher risk for cognitive decline—those who are socially isolated or already showing signs of brain atrophy—can benefit the most from hearing aids. It's like giving your brain the workout it needs to stay fit and sharp.

The Takeaway

So, to sum it up: hearing aids aren't just about making sounds louder; they're about keeping you socially connected and mentally active. By addressing hearing loss, you're not just improving your quality of life today; you're making an investment in your cognitive health for the future.

And there you go! If you've been on the fence about hearing aids, hopefully, this gives you a more complete picture of why they're worth considering.

Take the Next Step for Your Hearing and Cognitive Health

If all of this has got you thinking about your own hearing health and how it might be affecting your cognitive well-being, don't wait. The sooner you address your hearing loss, the better your chances are for maintaining a healthy, active brain as you age.

Ready to take action? Come see us at Applied Hearing Solutions. We offer comprehensive hearing evaluations and personalized solutions to fit your needs. It's not just about hearing better; it's about living better, today and for years to come.

So, what are you waiting for? Visit Applied Hearing Solutions and take the first step towards safeguarding your cognitive health. Your future self will thank you.


Written by
Reviewed by
Dr. Cliff Olson
Founder & Audiologist
Read full bio

Dr. Cliff Olson is an Audiologist and founder of Applied Hearing Solutions in Phoenix, Arizona. A former Marine Corps Scout Sniper, he left the military to earn his Audiology doctoral degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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