Audiologists and the Art of Real Ear Measurement

Real Ear Measurement (REM) is a technique employed by audiologists that substantiates the value of their expertise during this fitting process.

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Precision in Practice: Audiologists and the Art of Real Ear Measurement

Audiologists play an essential role in ensuring hearing aids are properly tailored to individual needs. Real Ear Measurement (REM) is a technique employed by audiologists that substantiates the value of their expertise during this fitting process. By using REM, we can obtain an objective measurement of the sound delivered by the hearing aid in our ear canal. This technique allows for a clear understanding of how the device is performing and what adjustments may be necessary. Audiologists utilize REM to fine-tune the hearing aid settings to compensate for the unique acoustics of our ear canal, leading to improved communication and hearing outcomes.

Despite its significance, REM is not universally implemented. Yet, evidence points to appreciable benefits for individuals who do receive REM-verified hearing aid fittings, including better speech intelligibility and satisfaction when compared to those with default manufacturer settings. This highlights the importance of advocacy for the practice of real-ear measurements among hearing healthcare professionals.

Foundations of Audiology and Real Ear Measurement

In our practice as audiologists, we emphasize the critical importance of precise hearing assessments and the use of real ear measurements (REM) to ensure optimal hearing aid performance.

As audiologists, we're responsible for conducting thorough hearing assessments. We initiate the process by collecting comprehensive patient histories and performing a variety of tests to determine the nature and degree of hearing loss. It's our role to interpret these results accurately and to determine the most effective treatment plan, which may include hearing aids.

Principles of Real Ear Measurement

Real ear measurement is central to our fitting process for hearing aids. This method involves placing a probe microphone near the eardrum to measure the sound delivery of the hearing aid in the ear canal. We employ REM to verify that the hearing aid amplification levels are tailored to the patient's individual hearing loss and ear acoustics.

Equipment and Tools for Real Ear Measurement

For REM, we utilize specialized equipment:

  • Probe Microphone: To measure sound levels in the ear canal.
  • Loudspeaker: To deliver the test sounds.
  • Signal Generator: This device creates the sounds used during testing.
  • Computer Software: For data analysis and visual representation.

Utilizing these tools, we ensure hearing aids are programmed for the best possible patient outcomes.

The Procedure of Real Ear Measurement

Real Ear Measurement (REM) is a fundamental process that we, as audiologists, undertake to ensure the accurate fitting of hearing aids. This technique allows us to measure and visualize how sound is amplified by a hearing aid within a patient's ear canal.

Preparing the Patient

Before initiating the Real Ear Measurement, we make sure the patient is comfortable and informed about the procedure. It is crucial to:

  1. Calibrate the real-ear measurement equipment to maintain accurate results.
  2. Conduct an otoscopy to examine the ear canal and ensure it is clear of wax or debris.
  3. Explain the process to the patient to ease any concerns and gain their cooperation during the measurement.

Conducting the Real Ear Measurement Test

To conduct the Real Ear Measurement:

  1. We insert a probe tube adjacent to the hearing aid in the ear canal, with the tube's tip positioned near the eardrum.
  2. The patient is exposed to various sounds and speech stimuli through a loudspeaker.
  3. We measure the sound levels with the hearing aid turned on, ensuring the device's settings are tailored to the individual's hearing loss and ear acoustics.

Interpreting the Results

The final step involves analyzing the data obtained from the Real Ear Measurement:

  • By comparing the hearing aid's amplification in the ear to the target gain levels, we can adjust the hearing aid's settings for optimal performance.
  • We ensure the results translate into improved communication and speech intelligibility for the patient, making any necessary refinements to achieve the best possible outcome.

Importance of Real Ear Measurement in Hearing Aid Fitting

Real Ear Measurement (REM) is a vital process ensuring the accuracy and effectiveness of hearing aid fittings. By utilizing this technique, we ensure that hearing aids are precisely calibrated to the unique needs of each user.

Customizing Hearing Aid Settings

When we perform REM, we're taking into account the individual's specific ear canal characteristics. This is crucial because each person's ear canal shape and size affect how sound travels to the eardrum. By using REM:

  • We can ascertain the precise amplification needs for different frequencies, tailoring the hearing aid settings to the user’s individual hearing loss profile.
  • This customization aids in enhancing speech intelligibility, particularly in challenging listening environments.

Ensuring Proper Hearing Aid Performance

REM is not a one-off procedure; it's an ongoing tool to confirm hearing aid performance over time. Through REM, we ensure that:

  • Hearing aids provide the predetermined level of amplification for soft, medium, and loud sounds, according to the user's prescription.
  • We conduct periodic REMs to adjust settings and maintain optimal performance, as changes in hearing or the hearing aid's function may occur.

Advancements and Challenges

In our work as audiologists, we continually adapt to evolving technologies and address the practical concerns of real ear measurement (REM).

Innovations in Measurement Techniques

We have witnessed significant technological advancements in REM. Notably, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and digital signal processing has refined the precision of hearing aid fittings. These innovations allow for more accurate modeling of the ear's acoustics and enable personalized hearing aid programming. Some of the tangible improvements include the ability to measure the sound level difference a hearing aid makes in the canal and making adjustments in real-time based on these measurements.

Addressing Common Real Ear Measurement Concerns

Despite advancements, we still face challenges, such as ensuring consistent use of REM among professionals. Data indicates that only about 30 percent of audiologists perform REM regularly. It's a concern because REM is considered best practice for hearing aid fittings. We strive to increase this percentage by:

  • Educating practitioners about the benefits and necessity of REM for both patient outcomes and professional standards.
  • Simplifying the process to make REM less intimidating and more accessible, especially for new professionals in the field.

Visit Us at Applied Hearing Solutions

At Applied Hearing Solutions, we commit to providing exceptional audiological care through personalized services tailored to your individual hearing needs. We are hearing aid specialists and understand the importance of accurate hearing aid fitting, which is why we emphasize the significance of Real Ear Measurements (REM). Utilizing REM, our Doctors of Audiology ensure your hearing aids are calibrated to the specific amplification your prescription requires. Our audiologists are well-regarded for their expertise and dedication to patient care. We offer comprehensive hearing solutions, striving to help each patient achieve optimal hearing.

If you're considering hearing aids or seeking to optimize your current devices, let us assist you in experiencing the benefits that properly fitted hearing aids can offer. We welcome you to visit us and discover why patients trust Applied Hearing Solutions. To ensure you receive our undivided attention, please schedule an appointment with us at your convenience.

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Reviewed by
Dr. Cliff Olson
Founder & Audiologist
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Dr. Cliff Olson is an Audiologist and founder of Applied Hearing Solutions in Phoenix, Arizona. A former Marine Corps Scout Sniper, he left the military to earn his Audiology doctoral degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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