A Guide to our Hearing Care Services

At Applied Hearing Solutions, we strive to exceed expectations by adhering rigorously to the foundational principles of audiological treatment.

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At Applied Hearing Solutions, we strive to exceed expectations by adhering rigorously to the foundational principles of audiological treatment. Our approach is rooted in following industry best practices, ensuring that every aspect of our service is delivered with the highest degree of precision and care.

To that end, here are the services that we are proud to provide our patients:

Hearing Tests

Our audiologists conduct a series of comprehensive hearing evaluations to pinpoint the type, source, and severity of your hearing loss. This process involves various specialized tests, including pure tone audiometry, speech discrimination tests, and tympanometry. These tests help us understand the intricacies of your hearing loss, allowing us to develop a customized treatment plan. Our team pays close attention to your specific concerns and lifestyle to ensure our recommendations are tailored to your needs.

Hearing Aid Fittings

Fitting hearing aids is a nuanced process that goes beyond simply choosing a device. Our team at Applied Hearing Solutions ensures that each hearing aid is perfectly suited to your hearing profile and lifestyle needs. We consider various factors, including the severity of your hearing loss, your daily activities, and even aesthetic preferences when recommending hearing aids. 

The fitting process involves careful programming and adjustments to ensure comfort and effectiveness. We also provide comprehensive guidance on how to use and maintain your hearing aids, ensuring you get the most out of your devices.

Real Ear Measurements

Real Ear Measurements (REM) are a key aspect of our services, setting us apart from many other hearing care providers, and one of the cornerstones of the industry-leading set of best practices we adhere to. 

This advanced technique involves placing a tiny microphone in your ear canal alongside the hearing aid. The REM process allows us to measure how well the hearing aid amplifies sounds in your ear, ensuring that it matches your specific hearing loss profile. This method is crucial for fine-tuning hearing aids to each individual’s needs, significantly improving overall hearing aid performance and user satisfaction.

Tinnitus Treatment and Management

Our approach to tinnitus management is holistic and patient-centered. We begin with a detailed assessment, including a comprehensive hearing evaluation and tinnitus pitch and loudness matching. Our audiologists understand the impact tinnitus can have on quality of life and provide tailored treatment options. These may include sound therapy, hearing aids with tinnitus-masking features, and counseling to help manage the psychological effects of tinnitus. We believe in empowering our patients with knowledge and tools to manage their tinnitus effectively.

Hearing Aid Repair

Our hearing aid repair services are designed to be comprehensive and efficient. We understand the importance of a functioning hearing aid in your daily life. Our clinic is equipped with the latest diagnostic tools to quickly identify issues with your devices. Our skilled team can perform a wide range of repairs, from simple maintenance tasks to more complex technical fixes. For more complicated issues requiring manufacturer intervention, we facilitate the entire process to ensure a smooth and swift resolution.

Custom Earmolds & Earplugs

Custom earmolds and earplugs play a vital role in hearing protection and enhancement. Our custom solutions are designed using state-of-the-art 3D ear scanning technology, ensuring a perfect fit. These earmolds and earplugs provide superior comfort and effectiveness, whether for noise protection in loud environments or for enhancing the performance of hearing aids. 

We offer a variety of options to suit different needs, from musicians and industrial workers to those engaging in recreational activities like shooting or swimming.

Earwax Removal

Our earwax removal services are performed with care and precision. We offer multiple methods, including the Earigator system, microsuction, and manual removal with a curette. Our audiologists assess each case to determine the most suitable and comfortable method for effective earwax removal. We also provide advice on preventing excessive earwax build-up and maintaining ear health.

In summary, Applied Hearing Solutions is dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized hearing care. From initial assessments and hearing aid fittings to ongoing support and maintenance, we aim to enhance your hearing experience and improve your overall well-being. 

Our commitment to utilizing the latest technologies and best practices ensures that our patients receive the highest standard of care. Schedule an appointment to experience our exceptional services and join our list of satisfied patients.

Written by
Reviewed by
Dr. Cliff Olson
Founder & Audiologist
Read full bio

Dr. Cliff Olson is an Audiologist and founder of Applied Hearing Solutions in Phoenix, Arizona. A former Marine Corps Scout Sniper, he left the military to earn his Audiology doctoral degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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